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Apr 13, '21 Apr 14, '21 Apr 15, '21

Kategorie: Partner_EventStudieninfo 2021 der TU Wien



Profesor_innen und Studierende der TU Wien Informatics beraten Sie persönlich und beantworten Fragen zu den Bachelorstudien Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie zum Aufnahmeverfahren und Reihungstest.

Virtuell über ZOOM: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/95761871362?pwd=bjQ1aVo0OHQ1N2tQL016WGRFaTkzQT09

Profesor_innen und Studierende der TU Wien Informatics beraten Sie persönlich und beantworten Fragen zu den Bachelorstudien Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie zum Aufnahmeverfahren und Reihungstest.

Apr 16, '21 Apr 17, '21 Apr 18, '21
Apr 19, '21

Kategorie: Partner_EventTU Wien: The Power of Quantum Computing - Public Lecture



Frank Leymann, first Kurt Gödel Visiting Professor at TU Wien Informatics, will talk about the potential of quantum computers.

Virtuell über ZOOM: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/91786420883?pwd=TVNJamxuTXVWOGY5cWtHOGxOVHNCUT09


Quantum computing is perceived to have a profound impact on computing and society in general. In this talk, Frank Leymann presents the underpinnings of quantum computing. The notion of quantum bits and phenomena like quantum parallelism and entanglement—which are considered to be the sources of the power of quantum computers—are explained.

The way how quantum computers are programmed, which is very different from programming classical computers, is introduced. The potentials of quantum computers are exemplified by sketching how factorization is done exponentially faster, impacting today’s security infrastructure. Finally, the limits of currently available quantum computers are discussed.

Frank Leymann, first Kurt Gödel Visiting Professor at TU Wien Informatics, will talk about the potential of quantum computers.


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  • Partner_Event

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